Why do you need PDFmail?

  1. It's free.
  2. Are you sure that nobody can modify your email or use part of it improperly? Without signature probably PDFmail is the only way to obtain these features.
    It's complex to modify a PDF and an expert can verify if your PDF has been modified.
  3. PDF is simple to read, print, put on web, ...
  4. To create your PDFmail on the fly we use the power of txt2pdf.
    It's simple to create a customized background layer (e.g. a form with your company logo and the link to your company web and ...)
    It's simple to create a different WAP form with a PDF layout.
  5. You can use the same application via a WAP phone at http://www.sanface.com/wap/pdfmail.wml
PDFmail is a trademark of SANFACE Software© 2000. - sanface@sanface.com