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GWK Beperk/Limited project

GWK Beperk/Limited is an agri business thus active in the grain trade.
Selling grain means invoicing huge amounts of monies (millions) with terms of as little as 5 days.
This means that the invoice literally has to be delivered to the buyer when the truck leaves the silo.
GWK tried to send invoices with the truck or by courier service but it proved to be unreliable. Needles to say that the interest implications are huge if an invoice is late or gets lost.

GWK switched to sending their invoices by e-mail after running it through txt2pdfPRO+crypt.
The buyer prints a tamper proof invoice (with full colour logo etc.) on his own printer just minutes after the truck has left GWK premises. As a spin-off, GWK can also reduce the use of paper and save some trees by 'printing' various reports to PDF files.

This is an example of faktuur/invoice the pdf is encrypted and protected by gwkfaktuur password.

Read the other projects
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